Xpilot: Serveroptions

The explanations of all the 283 serveroptions are in the way they appear in mapfiles.
That means like this :

option is the optionname
[value] is the value the option should have. There are 4 types of values.
[number] means values like 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.
[figure] means values in decimals, like 0.1, 0.252, 0.622, 0.636, etc.
[string] means plain text.
[yes/no] means yes or no. Or if you like true or false.
If you would like to pass it as a serveroption on the commandline, you just have to write it slightly different. Like this for all but [yes/no]:
-option [value]
And like this for [yes/no]
-option        Turn ON this option
+option        Turn OFF this option
If you want to change the serveroption during play then the format is :
/set option [value]
These are the serveroptions available :
adminMessageFileName initialEmergencyThrusts minesOnRadar
adminMessageFileSizeLimit initialFuel minesWallBounce
allowAlliances initialHyperJumps minMineSpeed
allowClusters initialLasers minRobots
allowHeatSeekers initialMines minVisibilityDistance
allowLaserModifiers initialMirrors missileLife
allowModifiers initialMissiles missilesOnRadar
allowNukes initialPhasings missilesWallBounce
allowPlayerBounces initialRearshots motdFileName
allowPlayerCrashes initialSensors movingItemProb
allowPlayerKilling initialTanks noQuit
allowShields initialTractorBeams nukeClusterDamage
allowShipShapes initialTransporters nukeMinMines
allowSmartMissiles initialWideangles nukeMinSmarts
allowTorpedoes itemAfterburnerProb nukesOnRadar
allowViewing itemArmorProb objectWallBounceBrakeFactor
analyticalCollisionDetection itemAutopilotProb objectWallBounceLifeFactor
announceAlliances itemCloakProb onePlayerOnly
asteroidCollisionMayKill itemConcentratorProb password
asteroidConcentratorProb itemConcentratorRadius passwordFileName
asteroidConcentratorRadius itemConcentratorVisible playersOnRadar
asteroidConcentratorVisible itemDeflectorProb playerStartsShielded
asteroidItemProb itemECMProb playerWallBounceBrakeFactor
asteroidMaxItems itemEmergencyShieldProb pLockServer
asteroidMaxScore itemEmergencyThrustProb raceLaps
asteroidPoints itemEnergyPackProb randomItemProb
asteroidProb itemHyperJumpProb reportToMetaServer
asteroidsOnRadar itemLaserProb reserveRobotTeam
asteroidsWallBounce itemMineProb reset
ballCollisions itemMirrorprob resetOnHuman
ballConnectorDamping itemMissileProb restrictRobots
ballConnectorLength itemPhasingProb robotFile
ballConnectorSpringConstant itemProbMult robotHostName
ballKillScoreMult itemRearshotProb robotLeaveLife
ballMass itemSensorProb robotLeaveRatio
ballrace itemsWallBounce robotLeaveScore
ballraceConnected itemTankProb robotRealName
ballSparkCollisions itemTractorBeamProb robotsLeave
ballsWallBounce itemTransporterProb robotsTalk
baseMineRange itemWideangleProb robotTeam
blockFriction keepShots rogueHeatProb
blockFrictionVisible laserIsStunGun rogueMineProb
cannonDeadTime laserKillScoreMult roundDelay
cannonFlak limitedLives roundToPlay
cannonItemProbMult limitedVisibility runoverKillScoreMult
cannonMaxScore lockOtherTeam scoreTableFileName
cannonPoints logRobots searchDomainForXpilot
cannonSmartness loseItemDestroys selfDestructScoreMult
cannonsUseItems mapAuthor selfImmunity
captureTheFlag mapData selfKillScoreMult
checkpointRadius mapFileName serverHost
clientPortStart mapHeight shieldedItemPickup
clientPortEnd mapName shieldedMining
cloakedExhaust mapWidth shipMass
cloakedShield maxAfterburners shotHitFuelDrainUsesKineticEnergy
clusterKillScoreMult maxArmor shotKillScoreMult
connectorIsString maxAsteroidDensity shotLife
contactPort maxAutopilots shotMass
coriolis maxBallConnectorRatio shotsGravity
crashScoreMult maxCloaks shotSpeed
debrisWallBounce maxDefensiveItems shotsWallBounce
defaultsFileName maxDeflectors shoveKillScoreMult
defaultShipShape maxECMs smartKillScoreMult
denyHosts maxEmergencyShields sparksWallBounce
destroyItemInCollisionProb maxEmergencyThrusts tankHostName
detonateItemOnKillProb maxFuel tankKillScoreMult
distinguishMissiles maxHyperJumps tankRealName
dropItemOnKillProb maxItemDensity tankScoreDecrement
ecmsReprogramMines maxLasers tankShipShape
ecmsReprogramRobots maxMines targetDeadtime
edgeBounce maxMinesPerPack targetKillTeam
edgeWrap maxMirrors targetSync
explosionKillScoreMult maxMissiles targetTeamCollision
extraBorder maxMissilesPerPack teamAssign
fireRepeatRate maxObjectWallBounceSpeed teamCannons
framesPerSecond maxOffensiveItems teamFuel
friction maxPauseTime teamImmunity
gameDuration maxPhasings teamPlay
gravity maxPlayerShots teamShareScore
gravityAngle maxRearshots timerResolution
gravityAnticlockwise maxRobots timing
gravityClockwise maxRoundTime torpedoKillScoreMult
gravityPoint maxSensors treasureCollisionDestroys
gravityPointSource maxShieldedPlayerWallBounceAngle treasureCollisionMayKill
gravityVisible maxShieldedWallBounceSpeed treasureKillTeam
heatKillScoreMult maxTanks treasuresOnRadar
identifyMines maxTractorBeams turnThrust
idleRun maxTransporters unownedKillScoreMult
ignore20MaxFPS maxUnshieldedPlayerWallBounceAngle useWreckage
initialAfterburners maxUnshieldedWallBounceSpeed wallBounceDestroyItemProb
initialArmor maxVisibilityDistance wallBounceFuelDrainMult
initialAutopilots maxWideangles worldLives
initialCloaks mineFuseTime wormholeVisible
initialDeflectors mineLife wormTime
initialECMs mineScoreMult wreckageCollisionMayKill
initialEmergencyShields mineShotDetonateDistance

Use the option gravity:[figure] to set the gravity. For [figure] you fill in how much gravity you want. Play with some values until you get what you want. This value can be both positive and negative.
Use the option shipMass:[figure] to set the weight of your ship. The more weight, the slower the ships accelerate.
Use the option ballMass:[figure] to set the weight of the balls. The heavier the ball, the harder it is to move it..
Use the option shotMass:[figure] to set the weight of your ship. The more weight, the more your ship gets pushed back, when fireing.
Use the option shotSpeed:[figure] to set the speed of your bullets. This controls how fast your bullets go.
Use the option shotLife:[number] to set how long your bullets live. This controls together with shotSpeed how far your bullets reach.
When a shielded player gets hit, does the kinetic energy of the bullet matter?
Use the option shotHitFuelDrainUsesKineticEnergy:[yes/no] to set if the kinetic energy of a bullet should be taken into account. If it's set to yes, the speed of the bullet determines how much fuel the player loses when shot.
Note : This option can't be set in the mapfile itself.
Fire repeat-rate
Use the option fireRepeatRate:[number] to set how fast you can fire. The higher the number how more bullets you fire per second.
Maximum robots
Use the option maxRobots:[number] to set how many robots you want. You can't get any more robots then there are bases. Too many robots causes your server to run very s..l..o..w..l..y...
Minimum robots
Use the option minRobots:[number] to set the minimum of robots you want. The actual number will lie between this value and the value for maxRobots.
Use the option robotFile:[string] to set where your robotfile is. [string] is the location of the robotfile. The robot file is a textfile which contains the settings for all the robots. Each individual robot is defined by the robottype, behaviourparameters, it's shipshape and the name of the bot. Example :
type: default
para: 94 20
ship: (SH: 12,0, -10,8 -2,5, -2,-5 -10,-8)(MG: 12,0)
name: Mad Fred
The type should always be "default", since their currently is only one bottype.

The parameters, 94 and 20, adjust the behaviour of the robot. The first number represents it's agression on a range from 0-99 and the second number represents it's defensiveness, also ranging from 0-99.

You can add as many robots as you like to the textfile.
Note : This option can't be set in the mapfile itself.

Do robots talk?
Use the option robotsTalk:[yes/no] to set if the robots are allowed to talk. For [yes/no] you fill in true or false. You can't change what they say, unless you edit the sourcecode of the server.
Does a robot leave?
Use the option robotsLeave:[yes/no] to set if the robots can leave. This option is to control the score of robots. If a server runs a while and the number one robot has many points, then shooting that robot would give you too many point for killing a robot.
How many lifes does a robot has?
Use the option robotsLeaveLife:[number] to set how many times a robot has to be shot to leave. Set [number] to 0 if you want to turn this option off.
At which score does a robot has to leave?
Use the option robotsLeaveScore:[number] to set at which score the robot has to leave. This means that is a robot reaches [number] it will leave the server. Set [number] to 0 if you want to turn this option off.
At which ratio does a robot has to leave?
Use the option robotLeaveRatio:[number] to set at which ratio robots must leave. Ratio is the quotiënt of the robot's score and the lives he has used.
Have a robotteam!
Use the option robotTeam:[number] to set the robotteamnumber. In a teammap you can let robots play too. With this option you can set which team.
Can robots join other teams?
Use the option restrictRobots:[yes/no] to set if robots can join human teams
Is the robotteam just for robots?
Use the option reserveRobotTeam:[yes/no] to set if humans can join the robotteam.
Set the username of a robot.
Use the option robotRealName:[string] to set the username of a robot. This is the name that will appear in the userpart of it's user@host combintion.
Set the hostname of a robot.
Use the option robotHostName:[string] to set the hostname of a robot. This is the name that will appear in the hostpart of it's user@host combintion.
Set the username of a fueltank.
Use the option tankRealName:[string] to set the username of a tank. This is the name that will appear in the userpart of it's user@host combintion.
Set the hostname of a fueltank.
Use the option tankHostName:[string] to set the hostname of a tank. This is the name that will appear in the hostpart of it's user@host combintion.
How much points does a fueltank have?
Use the option tankScoreDecrement:[number] to set how many points a fueltank has. The score it will get is the player's score minus [number].
Does turning require fuel?
Use the option turnThrust:[yes/no] to set if turning should cost fuel. Sparks will also be released when turning, like thrust.
Can you kill yourself?
Use the option selfImmunity:[yes/no] to set if you can kill yourself.
What does the defaultshipshape look like?
Use the option defaultShipShape:[string] to set the shape of the defaultship. [string] is in the format like all the other shipshapes :
(NM:Vaagja)(AU:KnightWhoSaysNI!)(SH: 14,0 6,-1 1,-4 3,-4 1,-4 -3,-8 -3,-8 0,-8 -9,-8 -9,-8 -2,0 -6,0 -2,0 -9,8 -9,8 -3,8 0,8 -3,8 1,4 3,4 1,4 6,1)(EN: -3,0)(MG: 14,0)(LG: 3,-4 0,-8)(RG: 3,4 0,8)(LL: -9,8 1,4)(RL: -9,-8 1,-4)(MR: 1,-4 -2,7 1,4 -2,-7)
It's best to set this option in the map itself, since it can be quite long.
What does the fueltankshipshape look like?
Use the option tankShipShape:[string] to set the shape of the fueltank. [string] is in the format like all the other shipshapes :
(NM:Vaagja)(AU:KnightWhoSaysNI!)(SH: 14,0 6,-1 1,-4 3,-4 1,-4 -3,-8 -3,-8 0,-8 -9,-8 -9,-8 -2,0 -6,0 -2,0 -9,8 -9,8 -3,8 0,8 -3,8 1,4 3,4 1,4 6,1)(EN: -3,0)(MG: 14,0)(LG: 3,-4 0,-8)(RG: 3,4 0,8)(LL: -9,8 1,4)(RL: -9,-8 1,-4)(MR: 1,-4 -2,7 1,4 -2,-7)
It's best to set this option in the map itself, since it can be quite long.
How many bullets?
Use the option maxPlayerShots:[number] to set the number of bullets a player can have at the same time on the screen. This helps to speed up the server by keeping [number] low.
Are bullets affected by gravity?
Use the option shotsGravity:[yes/no] to set if bullets are affected by gravity.
Do robots keep shooting eachother?
Use the option idleRun:[yes/no] to set if robots keep shooting eachother. Even when there are no human player on the server.
Note : This option can't be set in the mapfile itself.
Quit when the last human leaves?
Use the option noQuit:[yes/no] to set if the server keeps running. Even when all human players have left or no humans join at all.
Note : This option can't be set in the mapfile itself.
Should the activity of the robots be logged?
Use the option logRobots:[yes/no] to set if the entering and leaving of the robots should be shown in the log. The log is what the server outputs to the terminal where you started the server.
Note : This option can't be set in the mapfile itself.
How wide is the map?
Use the option mapWidth:[number] to set how wide the map is in blocks.
How high is the map?
Use the option mapHeight:[number] to set how high the map is in blocks.
Which map should the server run?
Use the option mapFileName:[string] to set which map the server should load. This is obviously more of a commandlinoption then a mapoption.
What is the name of the map?
Use the option mapName:[string] to give the map a name. This name will appear in the meta-server.
Note : This option can't be set in the mapfile itself.
Who made this map?
Use the option mapAuthor:[string] to gain full credit for the map you made. Fill in your name or alias here.
At what port must new human join?
Use the option contactPort:[number] to set the portnumber of the server. When you run more than one server on the same computer, then the server will need different portnumbers.
Note : This option can't be set in the mapfile itself.
With what address should the server appear on the meta.
Use the option serverHost:[string] to set the serveraddress which will appear in the meta. If your server appears with the wrong address in the xpilot-meta you can set it manually with this option.
Note : This option can't be set in the mapfile itself.
What does the actual map look like?
Use the option mapData:[huge string] to build your map. This is where your mapdata comes, this is a text which sets where all the blocks, cannons, bases, etc. are. It look like this :
mapData : \multiline: EndOfMapdata
x          x
x          x
Can players crash?
Use the option allowPlayerCrashes:[yes/no] to set if players can run over other players, or crash with them
When players crash, do they bounce?
Use the option allowPlayerBounces:[yes/no] to set if players bounce off, when they hit eachother.
Can players kill eachother?
Use the option allowPlayerKillings:[yes/no] to set if players can kill eachother.
Do players have shields?
Use the option allowShields:[yes/no] to set if players have shields.
Do players start shielded?
Use the option playersStartShielded:[yes/no] to set if players have shields when the begin. This is to protect them during lift-off.
Do bullets bounce off from walls?
Use the option shotsWallBounce:[yes/no] to set if shots bounce off from walls. Together with a long shotlife this will drive you mad.
Do balls bounce off from walls?
Use the option ballsWallBounce:[yes/no] to set if balls can bounce off from walls.
Do balls collide with other objects?
Use the option ballCollisions:[yes/no] to set if balls can collide with other objects, like other balls and players..
Can sparks push balls around?
Use the option ballSparkCollisions:[yes/no] to set if sparks (the stuff that comes out of your engine and non-cluster mines) can interact with balls.
Do mines bounce off from walls?
Use the option minesWallBounce:[yes/no] to set if moving mines bounce off from walls.
Do items bounce off from walls?
Use the option itemsWallBounce:[yes/no] to set if items bounce off from walls.
Do missiles bounce off from walls?
Use the option missilesWallBounce:[yes/no] to set if missiles bounce off from walls.
Do sparks bounce off from walls?
Use the option sparksWallBounce:[yes/no] to set if sparks bounce off from walls. This means you can generate more thrust when your exhaust is pointed to a wall.
Does debris bounce off from walls?
Use the option debrisWallBounce:[yes/no] to set if debris bounce off from walls.
Do asteroids bounce off from walls?
Use the option asteroidsWallBounce:[yes/no] to set if asteroids bounce off from walls.
Can other players see your sparkes, when cloaked?
Use the option cloakedExhaust:[yes/no] to set if your exhaust gets cloaked too. This will give you full cloakness.
Can you use your shields when cloaked?
Use the option cloakedShield:[yes/no] to set if you can use your shields when cloaked. This is to prevent players being almost unlimited being cloaked.
At what speed does an object crash into walls?
Use the option maxObjectWallBounceSpeed:[figure] to set the maximum speed for an object, like balls, items, etc., to still bounce off from walls. Above this speed the object will crash. [figure] can have decimals.
At what speed does a shielded player crash into a wall?
Use the option maxShieldedWallBounceSpeed:[figure] to set the maximum speed for a shielded player to still bounce off from walls.
At what speed does a unshielded player crash into a wall?
Use the option maxUnshieldedWallBounceSpeed:[figure] to set the maximum speed for a unshielded player to still bounce off from walls.
Which part of a shielded ship is vulnerable to crashes?
Use the option maxShieldedPlayerWallBounceAngle:[figure] to set the angle in degrees at which a wall is lethal. figure can range from 0 to 180. 0 degrees means every touch with the wall is deadly and 180 means you ship will only crash above the maxShieldedWallBounceSpeed.

Which part of a unshielded ship is vulnerable to crashes?

Use the option maxUnshieldedPlayerWallBounceAngle:[figure] to set the angle in degrees at which a wall is lethal. figure can range from 0 to 180. 0 degrees means every touch with the wall is deadly and 180 means you ship will only crash above the maxUnshieldedWallBounceSpeed.
How much will your ship slow down when bouncing off from a wall?
Use the option playerWallBounceBrakeFactor:[figure] to set how much of the original speed is left. [figure] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0.
How much will an object slow down when bouncing off from a wall?
Use the option objectWallBounceBrakeFactor:[figure] to set how much of the original speed is left. [figure] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0.
With what factor will the lifetime of an object decrease?
Use the option objectWallBounceLifeFactor:[figure] to set with what factor the lifetime of an object will decrease. [figure] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0.
How much fuel will be lost when bouncing off from a wall?
Use the option wallBounceFuelDrainMult:[figure] to set the multiplier for fuelloss. The fuelloss will also depend from the speed of impact.
What is the chance to lose an item when bouncing off from a wall?
Use the option wallBounceDestroyItemProb:[figure] to set what the probability is for each item a player has to lose it when hitting a wall. [figure] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0.
Must this server be reported to the metaserver?
Use the option reportToMetaServer:[yes/no] to set if the metaserver must be contacted so other players can find you. Turn off, when playing off-line.
Note : This option can't be set in the mapfile itself.
When the server starts, should it search xpilot.[domain]?
Use the option searchDomainForXPilot:[yes/no] to set if the server should search for xpilot.[domain], where [domain] is your domainname. So in my case it would search for xpilot.j-a-r-n-o.nl. This makes the server start up faster if this is the case. And start a bit slower if this is not the case. You should turn it off then.
Note : This option can't be set in the mapfile itself.
Who isn't allowed to join?
Use the option denyHosts:[list] to set which hosts can't join. [list] is a list of the IPs of players who are not allowed to join your server. The IPs should be seperated by commas.
Note : This option can't be set in the mapfile itself.
Are others players visible on the radar?
Use the option limitedVisibility:[yes/no] to set if other players can be seen on the radar.
What is the minimum distance for an other player to be visible on the radar?
Use the option minVisibilityDistance:[figure] to set the minimum distance between you and the other player to be visible on the radar. [figure] is measured in blocks.
What is the maximum distance for an other player to be visible on the radar?
Use the option maxVisibilityDistance:[figure] to set the maximum distance between you and the other player to be visible on the radar. [figure] is measured in blocks.
Do players have limited lives?
Use the option limitedLives:[yes/no] to set if players have limited lives. When there is only one player left, the game resets.
How many lives does a player have?
Use the option worldLives:[number] to set the number of lives a player has. This only makes sense if limitedLives is set to yes.
If a round is over, will the world be reset?
Use the option reset:[yes/no] to set if the world has to be resetted when a round has ended. This is only useful in combination with teamPlay, gameDuration or limitedLives.
Should the game be restarted when a new human enters?
Use the option resetOnHuman:[number] to set the number of humans that must be present for the game to restart after a new human enters. This option can also be set to no, to turn this option off.
Are players allowed to make alliances?
Use the option allowAlliances:[yes/no] to set if players can form alliances. An alliance works the same as a team. However with alliciances the player itself can decide who he wants to ally with. Simply by typing in-game commands. The options teamImmunity and teamShareScore also work for alliances. More info about alliances can be found in the newbieguide.
Are changes in alliances made public?
Use the option announceAlliances:[yes/no] to set if all players should be notified when an alliances changes. All alliances are also shown in the score list.
Is the map a team map?
Use the option teamPlay:[yes/no] to set if this map is a teamplay map.
Are the refuelstations only available to teammember?
Use the option teamFuel:[yes/no] to set if only teammembers can use their fuelstations and not the ENEMY. Your fuelstations are the ones located at and around your base. This means you can only refuel at your base.
Do you have teamcannons?
Use the option teamCannons:[yes/no] to set if the cannons around your base will only shoot enemies.
How smart are the cannons?
Use the option cannonSmartness:[number] to set the smartness of the cannons.
[number] = 0 means straight ahead.
[number] = 1 means random direction.
[number] = 2 means good.
[number] = 3 means accurate.
Do cannons use items?
Use the option cannonsUseItems:[yes/no] to set if cannons pick up items too. This means cannons can shoot with missiles, laser and use tractor beams.
Do cannons fire flakbullets?
Use the option cannonFlak:[yes/no] to set if cannons fire normal of flakbullets. Flakbullets explode after a short period. The look very much like what anti-aircraft attilery fires.
How long before destroyed cannons reappear?
Use the option cannonDeadTime:[number] to set how long (in seconds) cannons should stay dead after they have been shot.
When a player leaves, do active mines, missiles and bullets disapear?
Use the option keepShots:[yes/no] to set if mines, missiles and bullets should stay, when their owner leaves the server.
When a player doesn't specify a team, should the server pick one?
Use the option teamAssign:[yes/no] to set if the server picks a player's team, when the player does not specify the team.
Can teammates shoot eachother?
Use the option teamImmunity:[yes/no] to set is teammates can shoot eachother. This also works for alliances.
Do members of a team share one score?
Use the option teamShareScore:[yes/no] to set if all members of a team have the same score. The total teamscore is divided by the number of players in that team. This also works for alliances.
Can ECM's reprogram mines?
Use the option ecmsReprogramMines:[yes/no] to set if you can reprogram a mine using an ECM.
Can ECM's reprogram robots?
Use the option ecmsReprogramRobots:[yes/no] to set if you can reprogram robots. When on, you can program robot to go after a specified opponent. You lock onto a player, and use the ECM on a robot.
Does the entire team die when all their targets are destroyed?
Use the option targetKillTeam:[yes/no] to set if the team dies, when it has no targets anymore.
Can teammembers crash into their own targets?
Use the option targetTeamCollision:[yes/no] to set if you die if you hit your own target.
Do targets reappear or repair at the same time?
Use the option targetSync:[yes/no] to set if the targets reappear and are repaired at the same time. This means when a target, which has been eliminated, is replaced, then the other missing targets will be replaced too, at the same times. The damaged targets will all be repaired too.
How long until destroyed target reappear?
Use the option targetDeadTime:[number] to set how long until a target reappears when it has been destroyed.
Does the whole team die if one treasure is destroyed?
Use the option treasureKillTeam:[yes/no] to set if the whole team dies when one treasure is destroyed. The whole team still gets destroyed when all treasures are destroyed.
Teamplay in capture-the-flag mode?
Use the option captureTheFlag:[yes/no] to set if capture-the-flag mode should be on. Capture the flag means that your own ball has to be safe before one can destroy the enemyball.
When a player collides with a treasure, will the treasure be eliminated?
Use the option treasureCollisionDestroys:[yes/no] to set if a treasure will be destroyed when it collides with a player. The new treasure will then appear in the box it came from.
How flexible is the ballconnector?
Use the option ballConnectorSpringConstant:[figure] to set the flexibility of the ballconnector. Setting it low will make the ballconnector jelly-like. Setting it high will make the ballconnector very rigid.
How fast does the ballconnection stabilize?
Use the option ballConnectorDamping:[figure] to set the damping constant. Setting it low will make the ball wobble a lot. Setting it high will make the ballconnector very stiff.
When does the ballconnector snap?
Use the option maxBallConnectorRatio:[figure] to set the breakpoint of the ballconnector. For example, setting it to 1.2 would make the ballconnector snap if the length exceeds 20% of it's normal size.
How long should the ballconnector be?
Use the option ballConnectorLength:[figure] to set the normal length of the ballconnector..
How should the ballconnector behave?
Use the option connectorIsString:[yes/no] to set if the ballconnector should act like a loose string or like a spring. If the connector is a string (default), then you can push the ball too.
Do treasures (or balls) kill?
Use the option treasureCollisionMayKill:[yes/no] to set if treasures can kill you.
Does shipwreckage kill?
Use the option wreckageCollisionMayKill:[yes/no] to set if wreckage can kill you. Wreckage is the stuff that appears when a player explodes. The wreckage will then have the same effect as bullets.
Do asteroids kill?
Use the option asteroidCollisionMayKill:[yes/no] to set if asteroids can kill you. If you run into a asteroids without shields, you will die.
Is the server allowed to run faster than 20 fps?
Use the option ignore20MaxFPS:[true/false] to set if the server is allowed to go faster than 20 fps. If you let the server run faster than 20 fps, you need a HUGE modem and a very fast CPU. This might work on a LAN, but certainly not over the Internet. Normal values for server are about 12 fps, which you can set with framesPerSecond.
Note : This option can't be set in the mapfile itself.
Do you want to play alone?
Use the option onePlayerOnly:[yes/no] to set if anybody can join your game.
Is the map a racing map?
Use the option timing:[yes/no] to set if the map is a racing map.
When racing, should the checkpoints be triggered by players or by the balls they own?
Use the option ballrace:[yes/no] to set if this is a ballrace or not.
In a ballrace the object of the game is to drag a ball from one checkpoint to the next as fast as you can. Only if you own the ball, the checkpoint will be checked. (You own a ball if you are connected to it, or were the last person to be connected to it).
In a normal race you, the player, checks the checkpoints.
timing should be turned on for this option to work.
Should the player actually be connected to the ball to pass a checkpoint?
Use the option ballraceConnected:[yes/no] to set if the player should be connected to the ball while passing a checkpoint. Of course this only works when ballrace is on. When ballraceConnected is turned off, players can just throw their ball at a checkpoint to check it.
When a player leaves a side of the map, will he enter the map from the opposite side?
Use the option edgeWrap:[yes/no] to set "pac-man" style. This means you can leave the map and enter again at the opposite side. For example if you leave the map at the rightside, you will enter the map again from the leftside.
If edgeWrap is set to no, will the player bounce back when he reaches a side of the map?
Use the option edgeBounce:[yes/no] to set if a player bounces back, when he tries to leave the map. If this option is set to 'no' the side will be like glue. extraBorder must be set to no or else there will be no edge at all.
Is there an extra wall all around the map?
Use the option extraBorder:[yes/no] to set if there is an extra border around the entire map. This will make edgeBounce useless, since the sides of a map will now works as walls.
Is there a center of gravity?
Use the option gravityPointSource:[yes/no] to set if there is a center of gravity. This means everything will be attracted (or pushed away if gravity is positive) to a single point instead of a uniform gravity.
Where is the center of gravity?
Use the option gravityPoint:[x],[y] to set the center of gravity, where [x] and [y] are coordinates in blocks. This option works only if gravityPointSource is set to true.
Where is the gravity pointed to?
Use the option gravityAngle:[figure] to set at which angle the gravity is pointed. if [figure] is 90 degrees, the gravity will be pointed upwards. Together with a negative gravity, this means you will fall down. This will only work if gravityPointSource is set to false.
If the gravity comes from a point, will it rotate clockwise?
Use the option gravityClockwise:[yes/no] to set if objects rotate around the center of gravity. This only works if gravityPointSource is set to true.
If the gravity comes from a point, will it rotate anticlockwise?
Use the option gravityAnticlockwise:[yes/no] to set if objects rotate around the center of gravity. This only works if gravityPointSource is set to true.
Are the gravity-symbols visible to players?
Use the option gravityVisible:[yes/no] to set if players can see the gravitysources. This does not effect the normal gravity, which is always invisible.
Are the wormholes visible?
Use the option wormholeVisible:[yes/no] to set if players can see the wormholes.
Is the itemconcentrator visible?
Use the option itemConcentratorVisible:[yes/no] to set if players can see the ItemConcentrator.
Is the asteroidconcentrator visible?
Use the option asteroidConcentratorVisible:[yes/no] to set if players can see the asteroidconcentrator.
How long does a wormhole remains stable?
Use the option wormTime:[number] to set the number of secondes a wormhole remains stable. That is, after how many seconds will the wormhole switch exits. [number] = 0 means forever stable.
Where are the default map-settings located?
Use the option defaultsFileName:[string] to set the location of the defaultfile. In this file you can put all these options rather then in the map itself. [string] is the pathname plus filename of the default-settings.
Note : This option can only be set on the commandline.
Where is the passwordfile located?
Use the option passwordFileName:[string] to set the location of the passwordfile. If you are on a system with multiple users, this is a more secure way to set the password. If you would just use the -password option to set the password, other users on your system can see the password by typing a simple command. However, if you set the password in a file (which has been chmodded to -rw-------) other users can't read the password. The passwordfile should only contain this line
password:    yourpass
Where "yourpass" has to be substituted by the password you desire.
Windowsusers can safely ignore this option and use the -password option instead.
Note : This option can't be set in the mapfile itself..
Where can the Message Of The Day (MOTD) be found?
Use the option motdFileName:[string] to set the location of the textfile containing the Message of the day (motd). This is the message every player get when he joins your server. It can also be seen by clicking on MENU -> MOTD.
Note : This option can't be set in the mapfile itself.
Where should the scoretable be saved to?
Use the option scoreTableFileName:[string] to set where the scores are to be saved with [string] as the filename.
Note : This option can't be set in the mapfile itself.
Where should the messages for the serveradministrator be stored?
Use the option adminMessageFileName:[string] to set where messages to the owner of the server (probably you) should be stored. The file must already exist!
Players who join your server can then leave messages for you by sending a private message to 'god'. For example, when someone is playing on your server and says
god:What a horrible server you have
then "What a horrible server you have" will be logged to the file specified.
Note : This option can't be set in the mapfile itself.
What's the maximum size of the logfile?
Use the option adminMessageFileSizeLimit:[int] to set how large (in bytes) the adminmessagefile can get. If the filesize exceeds this limit, then no more messages will be written to the logfile.
Note : This option can't be set in the mapfile itself.
How many frames should the server calculate per second?
Use the option framesPerSecond:[number] to set how many frames should be calculated per second. Setting this low will increase the serverspeed. Setting this too low will make the game less smooth.
Are smart missiles allowed?
Use the option allowSmartMissiles:[yes/no] to set if smart missiles are allowed.
Are heatseekers allowed?
Use the option allowHeatSeekers:[yes/no] to set if heatseekers are allowed.
Are torpedoes allowed?
Use the option allowTorpedoes:[yes/no] to set if torpedoes are allowed.
Are nuclear weapons allowed?
Use the option allowNukes:[yes/no] to set if nuclear weapons are allowed.
Are cluster weapons allowed?
Use the option allowClusters:[yes/no] to set if cluster weapons are allowed.
Are modifiers allowed?
Use the option allowModifiers:[yes/no] to set if modifiers are allowed.
Are lasermodifiers allowed?
Use the option allowLaserModifiers:[yes/no] to set if the laser modifiers are allowed.
Are the players allowed to have ShipShapes?
Use the option allowShipShapes:[yes/no] to set if players are allowed to have their own shipshape. If turned off, all players will have the default shipshape.
Are the players visible on the radar?
Use the option playersOnRadar:[yes/no] to set if other players can be seen on the radar.
Are missiles visible on the radar?
Use the option missilesOnRadar:[yes/no] to set if missiles are visible on the radar.
Are mines visible on the radar?
Use the option minesOnRadar:[yes/no] to set if mines are visible on the radar.
Are nuclear weapons visible on the radar?
Use the option nukesOnRadar:[yes/no] to set if nuclear weapons are visible on the radar.
Are treasures visible on the radar?
Use the option treasuresOnRadar:[yes/no] to set if treasures are visible on the radar.
Are asteroidss visible on the radar?
Use the option asteroidsOnRadar:[yes/no] to set if asteroids are visible on the radar.
Can players see the difference between smarts, heatseekers and torpedoes?
Use the option distinguishMissiles:[yes/no] to set if players can distinguish the different types of missiles.
What is the maximum of missiles per item?
Use the option maxMissilesPerPack:[number] to set how many missiles one can get if one collects a missile-item.
What is the maximum of mines per item?
Use the option maxMinesPerPack:[number] to set how many mines one can get if one collects a mine-item.
Can a player see to whom a mine belongs?
Use the option identifyMines:[yes/no] to set if mine owner's names are displayed.
Can you pick up items when shielded?
Use the option shieldedItemPickup:[yes/no] to set if players can pick up item, when their shields are up.
Can you drop mines when shielded?
Use the option shieldedMining:[yes/no] to set if players can drop mines, while their shields are up.
Is the laser a stungun?
Use the option laserIsStunGun:[yes/no] to set if the laser works as a stungun, instead of a deadly weapon.
How many missiles should a player at least have to nuke?
Use the option nukeMinSmarts:[number] to set the minimum of missiles needed for a nuclear missile.
How many mines should a player at least have to nuke?
Use the option nukeMinMines:[number] to set the minimum of mines needed for a nuclear mine.
How powerful are nuclear cluster explosions?
Use the option nukeClusterDamage:[figure] to set how powerful nuclear cluster eplosions are. Setting [figure] to 1.0 means normal. However reducing [figure] means the server will produce less lag during a nuclear cluster explosion.
How long does a mine need to active?
Use the option mineFuseTime:[figure] to set the amount of time, after which a mine even gets deadly for it's owner. Setting this option to 0.0 means never, the mine will then not explode on his owner.
How long does a mine live?
Use the option mineLife:[number] to set how long a mine lives. [number] stands for the number of 'ticks' a mine lives. 'ticks' is a time-unit. Setting this to 0 means the defaultvalue.
What is the minimumspeed at which a mine can be thrown?
Use the option minMineSpeed:[number] to set the minimumspeed at which a mine can be thrown. Setting this option to a non-zero value will disallow static mines.
How long does a missile live?
Use the option missileLife:[number] to set how long a missile lives. [number] stands for the number of 'ticks' a mine lives. 'ticks' is a time-unit. Setting this to 0 means the defaultvalue.
Is basemining allowed?
Use the option baseMineRange:[number] to set the range at which no mines are allowed near a base.
Can mines be destroyed by shooting them?
Use the option mineShotDetonateDistance:[number] to set the sensitivity of mines for bullets. If a bullet comes nearer then [number] blocks the mine will detonate. If you set [number] to 0, then mines will not explode when shot.
How many points for shooting someone with a bullet?
Use the option shotKillScoreMult:[figure] to set the multiplier for shooting someone with a bullet.
How many points for shooting someone with a torpedo?
Use the option torpedoKillScoreMult:[figure] to set the multiplier for shooting someone with a torpedo.
How many points for shooting someone with a smart missile?
Use the option smartKillScoreMult:[figure] to set the multiplier for shooting someone with a smart missile.
How many points for shooting someone with a heatseeker?
Use the option heatKillScoreMult:[figure] to set the multiplier for shooting someone with a heatseeker.
How many points for shooting someone with cluster debris?
Use the option clusterKillScoreMult:[figure] to set the multiplier for shooting someone with cluster debris. Cluster debris is the stuff, which comes from cluster mines and cluster missiles.
How many points for shooting someone with a laser?
Use the option laserKillScoreMult:[figure] to set the multiplier for shooting someone with a laser.
How many points for shooting someone with a fuel tank?
Use the option tankKillScoreMult:[figure] to set the multiplier for shooting someone with a fuel tank.
How many points for running over somebody?
Use the option runoverKillScoreMult:[figure] to set the multiplier for running over somebody. You run over sombody, when you have shields and he does not.
How many points for hitting someone with a ball?
Use the option ballKillScoreMult:[figure] to set the multiplier for hitting someone with a ball. This will only work when the option treasureCollisionMayKill is set to true and teamplay is on.
How many points for shooting someone with a laser?
Use the option laserKillScoreMult:[figure] to set the multiplier for shooting someone with a laser.
How many points for killing someone with an explosion?
Use the option explosionKillScoreMult:[figure] to set the multiplier for shooting someone with a explosion. Explosion are caused by mines or exploding ships.
How many points for pushing someone against a wall?
Use the option shoveKillScoreMult:[figure] to set the multiplier for pushing someone against a wall.
How many points for crashing into someone?
Use the option crashKillScoreMult:[figure] to set the multiplier for crashing into someone. This score is negative.
How many points will you get when somebody hits your mine?
Use the option mineScoreMult:[figure] to set the multiplier for mining someone.
How many points do you loose when you kill yourself?
Use the option selfKillScoreMult:[figure] to set the multiplier for killing yourself. The higher you set this, the more points you will loose when you kill yourself. This doesn't include selfdestructing by pressing <end>. selfDestructScoreMult applies to that.
How many points will you loose for selfdestructing?
Use the option selfDestructScoreMult:[figure] to set the multiplier for selfdestructing by pressing <end>.
How many points will you loose if you get hit by a rogue mine/heatseeker?
Use the option unownedKillScoreMult:[figure] to set the multiplier for getting killed by a rogue mine or heatseeker. In short, if you get killed by N/A.
How many points for breaking an asteroid?
Use the option asteroidPoints:[figure] to set how many point you get for breaking an asteroid. You will get [figure] points for every asteroid until you reach asteroidMaxScore. After that you won't get any points for breaking an asteroid.
How many points for shooting a cannon?
Use the option cannonPoints:[figure] to set how many point you get for shooting a cannon. You will get [figure] points for every cannon until you reach cannonMaxScore. After that you won't get any points for shooting a cannon.
Below what score do you still get point for breaking asteroids?
Use the option asteroidMaxScore:[figure] to the scorelimit for breaking asteroids. If you have more points than [figure] then you won't get any more points for breaking asteroids.
Below what score do you still get point for shooting cannons?
Use the option cannonMaxScore:[figure] to set the scorelimit for shooting cannons. If you have more points than [figure] then you won't get any more points for shooting cannons.
What is the probability for an item to apear moving?
Use the option movingItemProb:[figure] to set the probability for an item to appear moving. [figure] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0.
What is the probability of an item to appear random?
Use the option randomItemProb:[figure] to set the probability of an item to be a random item. [figure] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0.
What is the probability of an owned item to be dropped when killed?
Use the option dropItemOnKillProb:[figure] to set the probability of each item to be dropped, when you get killed. [figure] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0.
What is the probability of an item to detonate when the owner gets killed?
Use the option detonateItemOnKillProb:[figure] to set the probability of each item to detonate when the owner gets killed. [figure] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0.
What is the probability of an owned item to be destroyed when colliding with something or someone?
Use the option destroyItemInCollisionProb:[figure] to set the probability per item to be destroyed in a collision. [figure] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0.
What's the probability for an asteroid to produce items when it breaks?
Use the option asteroidItemProb:[figure] to set the the probability for items to appear when an asteroid gets shot.
What is the maximum amount of items an asteroid can release when shot?
Use the option asteroidMaxItems:[figure] to set the maximum amount of item an asteroid can contain.
What is the scalefactor for the probability of ALL items to appear?
Use the option itemProbMult:[figure] to set the multiplier for all probabilities of all the items to appear.
What is the probability per minute for a cannon to get a item?
Use the option cannonItemProbMult:[figure] to set the the probability per minute for a cannon to gain an item per minute.
What is the maximum item density?
Use the option maxItemDensity:[figure] to set the maximum of items allowed per block. [figure] can range from 0.0 to 1.0. This will prevent a massive amount of items, which will decrease the serverspeed.
What is the probability for an asteroid to appear?
Use the option asteroidProb:[figure] to set the the probability for an asteroid to appear. [figure] can range from 0.0 to 1.0.
What is the maximum asteroid density?
Use the option maxAsteroidDensity:[figure] to set the maximum of asteroids allowed per block. [figure] can range from 0.0 to 1.0. This will prevent a massive amount of asteroids, which will decrease the serverspeed.
How far will the effect of an itemconcentrator reach?
Use the option itemConcentratorRadius:[number] to set the radius in which items will appear from an itemconcentrator. [number] is measured in blocks.
What is the probability for an item to appear in the itemConcentratorRadius?
Use the option itemConcentratorProb:[figure] to set the probability for an item to appear inside the itemConcentratorRadius. All other items can appear anywhere on the map. [figure] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0.
How far will the effect of an asteroidconcentrator reach?
Use the option asteroidConcentratorRadius:[number] to set the radius in which asteroid will appear from an asteroidconcentrator. [number] is measured in blocks.
What is the probability for an item to appear in the asteroidConcentratorRadius?
Use the option asteroidConcentratorProb:[figure] to set the probability for an asteroid to appear inside the asteroidConcentratorRadius. All other asteroids can appear anywhere on the map. [figure] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0.
What is the probability for a missile-item to go rogue?
Use the option rogueHeatProb:[figure] to set if a missile-item will turn into a heatseeker, when its lifetime is over. [figure] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0.
What is the probability for a mine-item to go rogue?
Use the option rogueMineProb:[figure] to set if a mine-item should activate itself, when its lifetime is over.
What is the probability for a fuel-item to apear?
Use the option itemEnergyPackProb:[figure] to set the probability for a fuel-item to appear. [figure] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. This is the probability for an item to appear per time-unit (tick).
What is the probability for a tank-item to apear?
Use the option itemTankProb:[figure] to set the probability for a tank-item to appear. [figure] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. This is the probability for an item to appear per time-unit (tick).
What is the probability for an ECM-item to apear?
Use the option itemECMProb:[figure] to set the probability for an ECM-item to appear. [figure] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. This is the probability for an item to appear per time-unit (tick).
What is the probability for an armor-item to apear?
Use the option itemArmorProb:[figure] to set the probability for an armor-item to appear. [figure] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. This is the probability for an item to appear per time-unit (tick).
What is the probability for a mine-item to apear?
Use the option itemMineProb:[figure] to set the probability for a mine-item to appear. [figure] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. This is the probability for an item to appear per time-unit (tick).
What is the probability for a missile-item to apear?
Use the option itemMissileProb:[figure] to set the probability for a missile-item to appear. [figure] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. This is the probability for an item to appear per time-unit (tick).
What is the probability for a cloak-item to apear?
Use the option itemCloakProb:[figure] to set the probability for a cloak-item to appear. [figure] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. This is the probability for an item to appear per time-unit (tick).
What is the probability for a sensor-item to apear?
Use the option itemSensorProb:[figure] to set the probability for a sensor-item to appear. [figure] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. This is the probability for an item to appear per time-unit (tick).
What is the probability for a wide-item to apear?
Use the option itemWideangleProb:[figure] to set the probability for a wide-item to appear. [figure] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. This is the probability for an item to appear per time-unit (tick).
What is the probability for a reargun-item to apear?
Use the option itemRearshotProb:[figure] to set the probability for a reargun-item to appear. [figure] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. This is the probability for an item to appear per time-unit (tick).
What is the probability for an afterburner-item to apear?
Use the option itemAfterburnerProb:[figure] to set the probability for an afterburner-item to appear. [figure] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. This is the probability for an item to appear per time-unit (tick).
What is the probability for an transporter-item to apear?
Use the option itemTransporterProb:[figure] to set the probability for an transporter-item to appear. [figure] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. This is the probability for an item to appear per time-unit (tick).
What is the probability for a deflector-item to apear?
Use the option itemDeflectorProb:[figure] to set the probability for a deflector-item to appear. [figure] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. This is the probability for an item to appear per time-unit (tick).
What is the probability for a hyperjump-item to apear?
Use the option itemHyperJumpProb:[figure] to set the probability for a hyperjump-item to appear. [figure] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. This is the probability for an item to appear per time-unit (tick).
What is the probability for a phasing-item to apear?
Use the option itemPhasingProb:[figure] to set the probability for a phasing-item to appear. [figure] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. This is the probability for an item to appear per time-unit (tick).
What is the probability for a laser-item to apear?
Use the option itemLaserProb:[figure] to set the probability for an laser-item to appear. [figure] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. This is the probability for an item to appear per time-unit (tick).
What is the probability for an emergency thurst-item to apear?
Use the option itemEmergencyThrustProb:[figure] to set the probability for an emergency thrust-item to appear. [figure] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. This is the probability for an item to appear per time-unit (tick).
What is the probability for an tractorbeam-item to apear?
Use the option itemTractorBeamProb:[figure] to set the probability for a tractorbeam-item to appear. [figure] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. This is the probability for an item to appear per time-unit (tick).
What is the probability for an autopilot-item to apear?
Use the option itemAutopilotProb:[figure] to set the probability for an autopilot-item to appear. [figure] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. This is the probability for an item to appear per time-unit (tick).
What is the probability for an emergency shield-item to apear?
Use the option itemEmergencyShieldProb:[figure] to set the probability for an emergency shield-item to appear. [figure] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. This is the probability for an item to appear per time-unit (tick).
What is the probability for a mirror-item to apear?
Use the option itemMirrorProb:[figure] to set the probability for a mirror-item to appear. [figure] ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. This is the probability for an item to appear per time-unit (tick).
With how much fuel does a player start?
Use the option initialFuel:[number] to set with how much fuel a player starts.
With how many fuel tanks does a player start?
Use the option initialTanks:[number] to set with how many fuel tanks a player starts.
With how many ECMs does a player start?
Use the option initialECMs:[number] to set with how many ECMs a player starts.
With how many armor does a player start?
Use the option initialArmor:[number] to set with how many armor a player starts.
With how many mines does a player start?
Use the option initialMines:[number] to set with how many mines a player starts.
With how many missiles does a player start?
Use the option initialMissiles:[number] to set with how many missiles a player starts.
With how many cloaks does a player start?
Use the option initialCloaks:[number] to set with how many cloaks a player starts.
With how many sensors does a player start?
Use the option initialSensors:[number] to set with how many sensors a player starts.
With how many wides does a player start?
Use the option initialWideangles:[number] to set with how many wides a player starts.
With how many rearguns does a player start?
Use the option initialRearshots:[number] to set with how many rearguns a player starts.
With how many afterburners does a player start?
Use the option initialAfterburners:[number] to set with how many afterburners a player starts.
With how many transporters does a player start?
Use the option initialTransporters:[number] to set with how many transporters a player starts.
With how many deflectors does a player start?
Use the option initialDeflectors:[number] to set with how many deflectors a player starts.
With how many hyperjumps does a player start?
Use the option initialHyperJumps:[number] to set with how many hyperjumps a player starts.
With how many phasings does a player start?
Use the option initialPhasings:[number] to set with how many phasings a player starts.
With how many lasers does a player start?
Use the option initialLasers:[number] to set with how many lasers a player starts.
With how many emergency thrusts does a player start?
Use the option initialEmergencyThrusts:[number] to set with how many emergency thrusts a player starts.
With how many tractorbeams does a player start?
Use the option initialTractorBeams:[number] to set with how many tractorbeams a player starts.
With how many autopilots does a player start?
Use the option initialAutopilots:[number] to set with how many autopilots a player starts.
With how many emergency shields does a player start?
Use the option initialEmergencyShields:[number] to set with how many emergency shields a player starts.
With how many mirrors does a player start?
Use the option initialMirrors:[number] to set with how many mirrors a player starts.
How much fuel is a player allowed to possess?
Use the option maxFuel:[number] to set the maximum allowed quantity of fuel a player is allowed to have.
How many fuel tanks is a player allowed to possess?
Use the option maxTanks:[number] to set the maximum allowed quantity of fuel tanks a player is allowed to have.
How many ECMs is a player allowed to possess?
Use the option maxECMs:[number] to set the maximum allowed quantity of ECMs a player is allowed to have.
How much armor is a player allowed to possess?
Use the option maxArmor:[number] to set the maximum allowed quantity of armor a player is allowed to have.
How many mines is a player allowed to possess?
Use the option maxMines:[number] to set the maximum allowed quantity of mines a player is allowed to have.
How many missiles is a player allowed to possess?
Use the option maxMissiles:[number] to set the maximum allowed quantity of missiles a player is allowed to have.
How many cloaks is a player allowed to possess?
Use the option maxCloaks:[number] to set the maximum allowed quantity of cloaks a player is allowed to have.
How many sensors is a player allowed to possess?
Use the option maxSensors:[number] to set the maximum allowed quantity of sensors a player is allowed to have.
How many wides is a player allowed to possess?
Use the option maxWideangles:[number] to set the maximum allowed quantity of wides a player is allowed to have.
How many rearguns is a player allowed to possess?
Use the option maxRearshots:[number] to set the maximum allowed quantity of rearguns a player is allowed to have.
How many afterburners is a player allowed to possess?
Use the option maxAfterburners:[number] to set the maximum allowed quantity of afterburners a player is allowed to have.
How many transporters is a player allowed to possess?
Use the option maxTransporters:[number] to set the maximum allowed quantity of transporters a player is allowed to have.
How many deflectors is a player allowed to possess?
Use the option maxDeflectors:[number] to set the maximum allowed quantity of deflectors a player is allowed to have.
How many phasings is a player allowed to possess?
Use the option maxPhasings:[number] to set the maximum allowed quantity of phasings a player is allowed to have.
How many hyperjumps is a player allowed to possess?
Use the option maxHyperJumps:[number] to set the maximum allowed quantity of hyperjumps a player is allowed to have.
How many emergency thrusts is a player allowed to possess?
Use the option maxEmergencyThrusts:[number] to set the maximum allowed quantity of emergency thrusts a player is allowed to have.
How many lasers is a player allowed to possess?
Use the option maxLasers:[number] to set the maximum allowed quantity of lasers a player is allowed to have.
How many tractor beams is a player allowed to possess?
Use the option maxTractorBeams:[number] to set the maximum allowed quantity of tractor beams a player is allowed to have.
How many autopilots is a player allowed to possess?
Use the option maxAutopilots:[number] to set the maximum allowed quantity of autopilots a player is allowed to have.
How many emergency shields is a player allowed to possess?
Use the option maxEmergencyShields:[number] to set the maximum allowed quantity of emergency shields a player is allowed to have.
How many mirrors is a player allowed to possess?
Use the option maxmirrors:[number] to set the maximum allowed quantity of mirrors a player is allowed to have.
Does the game have a time limit?
Use the option gameDuration:[figure] to set the time each round takes. After each round the world is reset if reset is set to yes.
Are you allowed to watch other players, while you are paused, or waiting for the next round?
Use the option allowViewing:[yes/no] to set if you are allowed to follow other players, when you are paused or waiting for the next round to begin.
How much friction is there?
Use the option friction:[figure] to set how much friction there is. Setting [figure] to 0.0 means no friction and setting it to 1.0 means nobody can move.
How much friction is there when you are in a frictionblock?
Use the option blockFriction:[figure] to set how much friction there is. Setting [figure] to 0.0 means no friction and setting it to 1.0 means nobody can move.
Are the frictionblocks visible?
Use the option blockFrictionVisible:[yes/no] to set if players are allowed to see the frictionblocks. They will appear as decor if set to yes.
How strong is the corioliseffect?
Use the option coriolis:[figure] to set how strong the corioliseffect should be. Coriolis is the force that turns your ship when you are not steering. [figure] is given in degrees per frame.
How close must a player come to be clocked by a checkpoint?
Use the option checkpointRadius:[figure] to set how close a player must come to be detected by a checkpoint. The checkpoint are only available in racing mode. This means timing must be set to yes. [figure] is measured in blocks.
How many laps must a player race to win the race?
Use the option raceLaps:[number] to set the number of laps a player must complete to win the race. This only works if timing is set to yes.
Can a player still lock the other team when paused or awaiting the next round?
Use the option lockOtherTeam:[yes/no] to set if a player can still lock players from the other teams. This means, if allowViewing is set to true and of course teamPlay is set to yes, that players can 'spy' on the other teams movement.
When a player drops an item, is it destroyed?
Use the option loseItemDestroys:[yes/no] to set if dropped items are immidately destroyed, or if the dropped items will really be dropped.
Should wreckage be used?
Use the option useWreckage:[yes/no] to set if wreckage or debris should be used when a ship explodes. Switching this off might improve serverspeed..
How many offensive item can a player carry?
Use the option maxOffensiveItems:[number] to set the number of offensive items a player can carry. Offensive items are wideangles, rearshots , mines, missiles and lasers.
How many defensive items can a player carry?
Use the option maxDefensiveItems:[number] to set the number of defensive items a player can carry. Defensive items are cloaks, ECMs, transporters, tractorbeams, shields, mirrors, deflectors, hyperjumps, phasings, tanks, armors.
How long will the server wait before it starts a new round.
Use the option roundDelay:[number] to set how long a server should wait before it starts a new round. This gives other player time to join the server. [number] is measured in seconds.
What is the maximum roundtime?
Use the option maxRoundTime:[number] to set how long a round may take. This will avoid very long rounds, so other players can play sooner. [number] is measured in seconds. Setting [number] to 0 means off.
How many rounds do you want to play?
Use the option roundToPlay:[number] to set how many round the server will run. This is very useful in a tournement or just a friendly duel. Setting [number] to 0 means unlimited rounds.
Do you want to use Rakk's collision detection or would you rather stick to the old one?
Use the option analyticalCollisionDetection:[number] to set if you want to use Rakk's patch. This is a rather old option, so you better leave it alone.
Should the server be protected from being swapped out of memory?
Use the option pLockServer:[yes/no] to set if the server should be prevented from being swapped out of memory. What that means?? I don't know...
Note : This option can't be set in the mapfile itself.
How to set the intervals at which frames are calculated?
Use the option timerResolution:[number] to set the interval at which the server should calculate new frames. The server will now requests signals from the OS every 1 / [number] seconds. The server will then computer a new frame framesPerSeconds times out of every timerResolution signals.
Note : This option can't be set in the mapfile itself.
What should the password for operatorstatus be?
Use the option password:[string] to set the operatorpassword. A player can than type /password [string] to gain operatorstatus. This means that he or she can kick out players, shutdown the server, lock the game, change serveroptions in mid-game.
Note : This option can't be set in the mapfile itself.
Which port should be the first of the allowed portrange?
Use the option clientPortStart:[number] to set the first port of the portrange. When a player joins he is assigned a port in this range. This way players can join your server when you are behind a firewall. The firewall only has to allow UDP-traffic between ports clientPortStart and clientPortEnd.
Note : This option can't be set in the mapfile itself.
Which port should be the last of the allowed portrange?
Use the option clientPortEnd:[number] to set the last port of the portrange. When a player joins he is assigned a port in this range. This way players can join your server when you are behind a firewall. The firewall only has to allow UDP-traffic between ports clientPortStart and clientPortEnd.
Note : This option can't be set in the mapfile itself.
How long is a player allowed to be paused?
Use the option maxPauseTime:[number] to set how many seconds a player is allowed to pause. If a player pauses longer than that, he gets kicked off.

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