still in development, they can be silent no more. The PalmOS-developers,
Gary Smith and Hank Li are porting Xpilot to the PalmOS. The current version
is already somewhat playable, but still pre-alpha. They were kind enough
to send me a copy nonetheless. Since the Palms are connected to the Internet
via the high speed infrared link, they overcome the main handicap of WAP
phones, the low bandwidth. The bigger screen is of course very helpful
too, allowing the radar and scorelist to be displayed as well.
Steering can be done by using the pen. Note that pens are *unlike* mouses in that you turn by describing a circle and shoot by drawing. Thrusting is mapped to one of the real buttons, just like the ballconnector. In talk-mode the input field of the Palm works like usual. It is however easier to use the talkmacro's.
Xpilot will remain freeware unlike the other games available at This will surely ensure Xpilot for the Palm to be in the top 10 after the release of the final version. Just keep watching the Palm software page, because it is a must to download if you have a Palm with at least PalmOS 3.0.