Xpilot : Newbieguide  : Firewalls

Firewalls can be nasty things for games. Luckily you can set which ports XPilot should use to connect to servers or players. This way you only have to open up a small range of UDP-ports in the firewall.

For the server the best way to set the portrange is to edit the defaultsfile.
You can find the defaultsfile in the lib-directory of XPilot. Open the file in your favorite texteditor and add these two options

clientPortStart:    15346
clientPortEnd:    15365
15346 and 15365 are just examples, but useful nonetheless. Since the default initial-contact-port is 15345. You now only have to open the UDP-portrange 15345 to 15365 allow at most 20 players to join your server. If you want more players, just make the range a bit bigger.

For the client the procedure is about the same, except you don't open the defaultsfile, but your xpilot.ini. Your xpilot.ini can be found in The XPilot-directory. Open it in your favorite texteditor again and add these two lines

clientPortStart=    15346
clientPortEnd=    15365
Again, you can choose different values for 15346 and 15365, but with the default initial-contact-port being 15345...

If the firewalls isn't yours, just send a nice mail to the administrator. If that doesn't work, send a not-so-nice mail. :-)

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